How ADR Now Can Help

We provide resources and support to guide you through the process of Alternative Dispute Resolution and help you achieve fair and effective outcomes.

Providing Clear and Impartial Information

ADR Now offers comprehensive resources designed to help you understand the core principles of Alternative Dispute Resolution and its various applications.

Understanding the Process

We provide clear and concise information about ADR processes, including mediation, arbitration, and negotiation.

Exploring Your Options

We help you identify the most appropriate ADR methods to suit the specific needs of your dispute.

Achieving Fair Outcomes

We aim to empower individuals and organizations to reach mutually agreeable solutions through collaborative and respectful dialogue.

Choose a Better Way Forward: Embrace Alternative Dispute Resolution

Legal disputes can be draining and expensive. ADR Now champions alternative dispute resolution (ADR) as a more effective way to resolve conflicts and find lasting solutions outside of the courtroom.

ADR Now: Your Guide to Understanding Your Options

We provide resources and information to help individuals and businesses explore the benefits of ADR methods like mediation and arbitration. Our goal is to empower you to make informed decisions about resolving disputes efficiently and amicably.

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* ADR Now is not a law firm nor does it provide legal services. Please contact your local law firm or one of ADR Now’s partner law firms if you require legal advice.

Get the ADR Information You Need
We provide a wealth of information and resources to help you understand and utilize Alternative Dispute Resolution effectively.
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Our Partners

Our Partners in ADR Advocacy

ADR Now is proud to partner with leading law firms committed to promoting and utilizing Alternative Dispute Resolution. Their expertise and support are invaluable in expanding access to these beneficial processes.
We Partner with Trusted Organizations and Law Firms who further advocate ADR

Making Informed Decisions with ADR

We believe that everyone deserves to feel empowered when navigating disputes. ADR offers a path to resolution that puts you in the driver's seat.